Thursday, April 22, 2004

Short-sleeve boat-neck raglan sweater - 2

Upper garment

Each round for the upper body ends at the fifth stitch before the first marker.

For "m1" use invisible lifted increase ( or any other increase.

R1: m1, k2, p2, (marker separating front and left sleeve), k2, m1, patt(k3p2), m1, k2, (marker separating left sleeve and back), p2, k2, m1, patt, m1, k2, p2, (marker separating back and right sleeve), k2, m1, patt, m1, k2, (marker separating right sleeve and front), p2, k2, m1, patt

R2: k2, p2, (marker), k2, patt, k2, (marker), p2, k2, patt, k2, p2, (marker), k2, patt, k2, (marker), p2, k2, patt

Alternate R1 and R2 (ending w R2) until there are 64 [86] st between the markers on the back (and also front).  There will be 50 [72] st on each sleeve.

(For k2, patt, k2, I think it's looks better to always start and end the patt with a knit stitch even if it means that sometimes there will be a k6.)

Then do R1, R2, R2, R2 twice -- for 68 [88] st on the back (and front) and 54 [74] on each sleeve.

Then do * m1, k2, p2, (marker), k2, p1, patt, p1, k2, (marker), p2, k2, m1, patt, m1, k2, p2, (marker), k2, p1, patt, p1, k2, (marker), p2, k2, m1, patt * followed by 3 rounds of R2 for 70 [90] st on the back (and front) and 54 [74] on each sleeve.

Then * m1, k2, p2, (marker), k1, p2, patt, p2, k1, (marker), p2, k2, m1, patt, m1, k2, p2, (marker), k1, p2, patt, p2, k1, (marker), p2, k2, m1, patt followed by 3 rounds of R2 for 72 [92] st on the back (and front) and 54 [74] on each sleeve.

Then do R2 until the upper body is long enough to reach 2" below the underarm.  (Underarm seam should lie 2" below the actual underam.)

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